1. Benefits for nonretiree If you know nothing else about the SSA, you probably know it provides retirement benefits to people of a certain age

2. Help with Medicare drug cost Medicare, the federal health insurance program for seniors, is technically administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

3. Replacement Medicare card If you lose your Social Security card, it makes sense you’d go to the SSA to request a replacement.

4. Proof of income In certain situations, such as when applying for government assistance, an apartment, mortgage or some other loan, you might be required to provide proof of income

5. Baby name idea While it may never have occurred to you, the SSA naturally has a wealth of information about the names of Americans — it has to put them on all the cards, after all.

6. Calculators for many common question The prospect of retirement raises lots of questions: How long will I live? When should I stop working? How much money can I get from the government in various scenarios?

7. A blast from the past Have you ever had a “back in my day” conversation with someone about your first job? The SSA can tell you exactly how much you earned in any given year in your online “earnings record.”

8. Representative payee Sometimes people become unable to manage the money they are receiving from Social Security or Supplemental Security Income